
Enjoy yoga in a safe, supportive environment
while learning postures and exercises specifically suited to pregnant
women and new mothers. The Barnes Method combines
Yoga>, breathwork, alignment, sound
vibration, strength training, therapeutics and
community for the health and happiness of both mother and baby. Mary
Barnes unique approach helps women to improve their strength
and flexibility before and after childbirth. Her prenatal yoga method also aids in the birthing process, helping women feel centered and strong during labor and delivery. Postpartum women can enjoy Mommy & Baby YOGA FOR TWO classes, New Mom & Baby Yoga Sanctuary with mothering expert guests, and yoga with baby-sitting.
Please check out the web site to learn more about The Barnes Method of Prenatal and Mommy & Baby YOGA FOR TWO, find out dates and location of classes and learn about special workshops and Teacher Training Workshops. Click onto the Testimonials page to hear what other women have to say about Prenatal and Mommy & Baby YOGA FOR TWO.
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